Sunday, April 29, 2007

CC Los Feliz Fellowship

On April 29th a few youth went along with Jonathan to Calvary Chapel Los Feliz to minister to the youth and their church. Jonathan was able to help lead worship for main service as well as Teach the High School ministery in 1 Kings 18. The youth who went with Jon (Eli, Patrick, and Alfred) definetly where such a blessing to the youth and the congregation as they where excelant examples of servants of Christ.
Above is a video of 2 young talented and gifted youth (I think they are both in 9th or 10th grade).. who after every Sunday service, spend their time continueing to simply worship they Lord. We hope you enjoy!!! The video really doesn't do justice to the musical talent that the Lord has gifted them in.
If you want to hear them live.. they will be leading worship for one of the Beach Bash service E3G is holding on June the 15th!! So hope to see you their.. so you can be blessed and be a blessing as we worship the Lord together!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Movie Night / Facing The Giants

On May 30th E3G was able to watch the movie 'Facing The Giants'. We played games, ate food, and were taught from the life changing movie 'Facing The Giants'.